Karin Behocaray is a dyslexic artist from Argentina who was diagnosed as an adult. Karin has always connected with art and likes to explore with different techniques. When she was younger, the artist never felt comfortable in the school environment, considering herself dumb compared to her peers. Nowadays she considers herself autodidact in everything she does. Karin is currently attending secondary education with the help of her psychopedagogue because the school does not have support for people with dyslexia. She already painted, drawn, modeled, but nowadays the artist paints with coffee or wine in most works.

With the use of coffee, the artist generates an image that leads her to establish a conversation between dyslexia and the suffering of Christ. If, on one hand, there is an analogy of the pains from the steps of the Son of God with the difficulties and prejudices faced by those who have the disorder; The image also points to "love" as a form of redemption. The image deals the subject from the perspective that looking at the world from a different perspective generates noise and constitutes a permanent challenge.
Oscar D'Ambrosio
by herself
I'm a dyslexic artist, diagnosed as an adult. I'm self-taught in everything I do. I'm doing my secondary education online, with adaptations from my psychopedagogue, because the school doesn't have adaptations for dyslexics. When I was diagnosed, I realized why I was painting, drawing, modelling, creating new techniques, without having studied. I was always creating or developing cutting-edge techniques or products. I believe that wherever a dyslexic puts his hand, he puts his creativity. I paint with coffee and wine in most of my work. I have a café with my children decorated with walls alluding to dyslexia, and all the art I create, I create as an extension of my dyslexia.